
Morphology of a goose: bird with webbed feet. One type of goose is domestic ans is raised for its flesh.
Fore head: upper part of a goose's face.
Eye: sight organ.
Crown: upper part of a goose's head.
Nape: rear part of a goose's neck.
Back: rear part of the thorax.
Scapulars: shoulder feathers.
Pennae (contour feathers): long wing feathers of a bird.
Primaries: the largest feathers of the edge of a goose's wing.
Rump: projecting part of the lower back.
Upper tail feathers: feathers above the tail of a bird.
Tail feathers (rectrix): tail feathers.
Under tail covert: feathers under the tail of a bird.
Belly: front part of the abdomen.
Flank: side part of the body.
Hind toe: jointed rear appendage.
Web: thin skin joining the toes.
Breast: front part of the thorax.
Throat: front part of the neck.
Lower mandible: lower part of the beak.
Nostril: entrance to the respiratory system.
Groove: indentation on the tip of a goose's beak.
Upper mandible: upper part of a goose's beak.

Photo :

EN : Goose plural = geese, male = gander
FR : Oie
ES : Ganso

          <font size="2">plural = geese, male = gander</font>

Geese are medium to large birds, always associated to a greater or lesser extent with water. Most species in Europe, Asia and North America are strongly migratory as wild birds, breeding in the far north and wintering much further south.

Animation : Black swan