External ear

External ear
External ear: one of two organs of hearing on the sides of the head, comprised of internal and external parts.
Helix: fold surrounding the auricle.
Navicular fossa: boat-shaped fold of the ear.
Root of the helix: part of the helix.
Anthelix: curved ridge in front of the helix.
Tragus: prominence over and in front of the acoustic meatus.
Lobe: fleshy part at the base of the ear.
Antitragus: ear projection opposite the tragus.
External auditory meatus: mouth of the canal of the temporal bone that carries sounds to the eardrum.
Concha: deep fossa of the external ear.
Scapha: hollow at the end of the helix.

Photo :

EN : Human ear
FR : L'oreille humaine
ES : Oído humano


The ear is the sense organ that detects sounds. The vertebrate ear shows a common biology from fish to humans, with variations in structure according to order and species. It not only acts as a receiver for sound, but plays a major role in the sense of balance and body position.